Tuesday 19 July 2011

A Hard Days Night

In a lesson, we watched 'A Hard Days Night' to see the conventions in this film where roughly the same as the ones in modern music videos. It is a documentary styled film showing the life's of the band members, featuring some of their songs as well. At the end of the film they perform on stage "live".

The film did show some conventions that are now seen in today's music videos. For example, it was done on a low budget in black and white, which may be seen in music videos for indie songs. Also, when "Can't Buy Me Love" was being played, the film showed the members of the band goofing around, which again is another trope often found in music videos. And of course the film showed the trope of being chased by fan girls!

In my opinion I thought that the movie was good, even though the rest of my class may disagree with me. Mainly because I'm big fan of The Beatles so I thought it was very cool to see a whole film about them. Also, although some of friends said that the humour of it wasn't understandable, I actually understood it. It was cheesy and a bit out of date but still understandable. Then again as a child I use to watch The Monkees TV series so maybe that's why I understood it a bit more than others.

I could also see some conventions being portrayed from this film though. The goofing around scenes reminded me of The Monkees TV show and also some later films about pop stars such as The Spice Girls Movie (don't judge me-I was 6 years old and I still kind of like the Spice Girls). Therefore, I think that this film as well as The Beatles songs has been very influential on the development of pop music and music videos.

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