Thursday 29 September 2011

Digital Technology

The digital technology I will be using in order to create my music video are shown below:

Obviously, I'll be using this to film the scenes. It will be my own camcorder from home.

The tripod will support the camera so it is easier to film without any shaking in the film.

I also used a miniature tripod to have a steady camera from low angles. It could also be handy to use when/if doing any hand held shots, just to make the film look steadier.

I'll be using iMovie 09 on the school's iMacs to edit the whole music video.

I will be using the internet to blog my work on blogger. I will also use it to use search engines. 

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Music Video Questionnaire

I have just made a questionnaire about music videos to help me collect more research about what my target audience want to see in the music video. My target audience will teenagers and will probably be mainly for a female audience. I created the survey using

Here is a link to it:

Click here to take survey

I have also posted links to the survey onto Facebook and an internet forum, The Student Room, as most people on these websites are in my general age range (in terms of target audience).

Storyboard with audio commentary

Above is the storyboard for my music video, "Perfect" by P!nk.

Camera work: Variation of close ups, mid shots and long shots throughout the whole video. Birds eye view for when the envelope comes through the door. Some point of view shots from the view of the conscience and the girl.

Mise en scene: The girl will be wearing dark clothing to show that her personality/mood is dark as well. The conscience though will be wearing lighter clothing to show a happier, more angelic personality/mood.

Editing: Cloning will be used to show the girl not seeing the conscience.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

A Brief History of Music Videos

In 1964, The Beatles starred in their first feature length film "A Hard Days Night", which set the stage for what later became music videos. Two years later, Bob Dylan released a promotional video for his song "Subterranean Homesick Blues". This kicked off a new wave of promoting songs through the medium of video.

Top of the Pops was important for promoting bands and their music videos during the 1970s. A good video would increase the sales of the song as viewers hoped to see the video again. For example, in 1975, Queen ordered Bruce Gowers to produce a promo video for the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" to be shown on Top of the Pops, which is noteable as it was entirely shot and edited on video tape.

In 1981, MTV was launched and the song "Video Killed The Radio Star" is the first to be broadcasted on the channel. This sparks a more sophisticated approach to making music videos with added storylines, such as the infamous "Thriller" (1983).

In 2005, iTunes is launched and once music videos could be downloaded from the site, 1 million were downloaded within 20 days. Not only that, internet site Youtube was set up, allowing music artists such as OK Go to become more successful through the ability of viewers watching them online.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

More ideas I have come up with

So, at the moment, I am currently stuck between three main ideas for my video project. I have decided to write down the pros and cons of them all in order to help me decide.

Raise Your Glass - Pink

The theme for this music video is going to be about being a teenage outcast. In the video, there will be a gang of outcasts called the "underdogs", terrorising the school and defeating their bullies.
I like the theme of this music video because it follows the current tropes of todays music videos. Plus I think it would be a fun project to do. However, my concerns are props, costumes and locations for the video.

Perfect (clean version) - Pink

The theme for this music video is about a typical teenage girl only her insecurities gets the better of her. She's bullied at school, feels that she has to make herself skinnier to feel prettier and has turned to self harming (not sure whether to keep that part in though). However, her "conscience" is trying to tell her that she is perfect but can't seem to get the message across.
I think this will be quite challenging to do in terms of editig because I was thinking of doig some cloning in the video which I learnt how to do with the video tutorial below. However, as the video says, I need to get the lighting exactly right in each clip. Also, the storyline may be a bit confusing or chessy for some people. But then again, it is a music video!

Jar of hearts - Christina Perri

The theme of this getting over a heart break. Typical scenario of a typical break up-girl finds out she's been cheated on (several times?) and is now coming to terms with it.

Again, this may be challenging in terms of editing as I have an idea of having the events where the girl isn't singing in the video in reverse such as the music video below. Then towards the end of the song, the lyrics are "I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed", which gave me an idea that at the end of the video, she could prevent herself from dating him. (it makes sense in my head, don't worry). Only trouble I'd have is with casting really.

Short film (undecided title)

The scene starts with a mother leavig a message on a girl's mobile phone. The girl is the room but doesn't answer it. Her mother says that she's sorry for fighting earlier and that she's looking for her. The daughter grabs a pen and notepad and writes a letter saying how she is sorry but ends the letter with "but now you won't have to deal with me anymore." During the film, it looks as if the girl is suicidal but there's a clever twist at the end (well I think it's clever).

This is a tricky one. As much as I love the idea of it, I think it may be a bit to depressing for me to do this time around. Maybe I could do it in my own time one day.
So overall, I think I'm settled with doing a music video. Now all I need to do is decide which song I'm going to use. Wish me luck!