Monday 12 December 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Personally, I feel that the combination of the main product and the ancillary tasks have symbiotic relationship as they both feed off each and display the same message (that people should feel perfect the way they are). Both of the ancillary tasks use concepts that have also been used in the main product, such as shots from the film being used in the poster and digipack. They all also use the same font colour, pink, showing that they all have the same house style. Plus, it supports the branding of the artist, whose name is P!NK.
The images used in digipack in the holagrish effect and the other two images may be considered as a big contrast. I believe that it does work together as it all links together to the music video and continues with a similar house style. The holagrish images are to show off the artists black and white personality, while the other two images have been pulled from the music video itself.

Friday 9 December 2011

Evaluation-How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

One other thing I forgot to mention on the slide show was that during the construction stages, I also used my iPod to play the song for the talent to sing along to during filming. I then used it to transfer the song onto the school's iMacs and onto iMovie. 

Monday 5 December 2011

Evaluation-What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Sorry about the audio. The people were talking really quietly! You might have to turn the volume up a bit.
I asked people from my media class because they will know about the creating of videos. I also asked two random year 11 students so I could get an unbiased opinion about my music video. However, they are media students as well so they also have some background knowledge too. 
I appreciate their feedback, whether it was positive or constructive. At one point, one of the year 11 girls makes a comment about the lip synching not being fully in synch with the music. However, she does mention that there is nothing I could do about it, which is true. I did try to synch the music the best I could , but because I am limited by the production equipment  provided by the school, the lip synching isn't going to be as good a quality as professional production music videos.
Overall though I was pleased with the feedback I received as the general prosecptives were positive. This therefore makes me feel more confident about the main product I have produced.

Friday 2 December 2011

Music Poster

The picture above was the first draft of my music poster. I thought that it looked alright but I decided to do something else, which is a little bit similar but still quite different.

Above is another draft of my digipack poster. It's a bit more interesting to look at I feel as we can actually see the artist and has more information on it/text that is conventionally on these types of poster (e.g. the pull quote from a well known music magazine). Below is how I created the poster:

So first of all I got a print screen from my music video because by the time I wanted to get photos of the artist, she had completely changed her hair.

I then opened up Photoshop Elements where I had the idea to add lyrics of the song onto the picture (to link it to my hand written letter in the music video).

I experimented with the colours of the font for a while. I thought of maybe using pink to link it back to the branding of the artist but when I tried this out, it didn't look as good as I'd hoped.

Next I used an eraser tool with a blurred edge to fade out the text layer around the artist. Then I set the layer effect to Soft Light to make font appear more faded. After this, I added on more lyrics around Kirsten's head.

In Picasa, I added a Holga-ish effect onto the picture. Then in paint a black box at the bottom of the picture. You can see below that I again experimented with the colour pink by adding a pink tint onto the picture. Again though, I decided not to for the same reason as before.

Finally, I added on the digipack cover and the font in the black box to finish off my poster.

But then looking at other posters, I decided to change it once more as I felt it wasn't advertising the digipack well. Below is the final digipack poster:

My digipack

For my digipack, I downloaded a template from the internet and used it in Adobe Photoshop CS. The two Kirsten's (who is the singer) have been given a holagrish effect onto them. I decided to use both images of Kirsten as the conscience and the normal girl. They're both the same person but are very different, which is shown by the clothes that they wear. Initially, I was going to have one image where the body was black and background was white and then the other image would be the same but vice versa. However, this didn't look right when I tried this so I decided to keep it as it is. I do think that it gives a nice continuity link between both characters though.

The other pictures are related to what is in the music video, so that creates another continuity link. I decided to use the bedroom wall as one long picture for the inside of the digipack as it shows off the characters personality and feelings.

The font is in the colour pink because that is the name of the artist. That is what her brand is about. I also decided to have the girl character in the leather jacket. This is because the artist herself would be seen wearing that type of clothing, so it would be something recognisable for the audience.